
Chose your own adventure style to learn and test your knowledge about the Japanese language and culture. You play a tourist and have to deal with various small challenges all for the purpose of winning prize money and a free trip to Japan!

How to run on the web: 

- Just run the game and it should start in your browser in full-screen mode, then hit 'Start'.

How to run and play locally

1. Download this game and unzip the folder

2. Navigate to the project folder where the 'index.html' file is located.

3. Start a local server such as using this python command by opening the terminal app and typing and running the following command: 'python -m http.server 8000'

4. Open the index.html using the local server by typing in the browser window: 'localhost:8000/index.html"

5. Click the 'Start' menu to start the game